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Folder 7. A New Birth and a New Life (22 PDFs)

Getting to heaven and being saved by God are such important issues that you may want to jump right to those pages first. But what’s your hurry? You have time enough in the present to get right with God for all eternity. Give Him some unhurried time to work with.

How to Get to Heaven - Sunburst


Folder 1. How Can I Get to Heaven? (9 PDFs)

Do you have time? Good, then let's take a brief look at what lies beyond death and why we need to get this question answered. This will pave the way for being very happy with the answer our loving Father supplies!

Highway to Heaven - How to Get to Heaven?

Folder 2. After Receiving Salvation, What? (13 PDFs)

It's one thing to "get saved." Actually, that's the easy part. It's another thing entirely to "live saved." Naturally, now that you've met Jesus, you want to live for Him and become like Him. Not everybody does, as you may have noticed. Here's some sage advice.

Folder 3. A New Life through Spiritual Birth (17 PDFs)

Have you just been born again? That’s truly wonderful, but please don’t go running off into the wild world out there without sticking around long enough to find out what just happened to you! You also need to know the essentials about how to live this new life, especially how to stay connected to your new Source.

A Newborn Infant : New Life through Spiritual Birth in Jesus

Folder 4. A New Life by the Gospel of Grace (32 PDFs)

It was Jesus who saved you by His death on the cross. It was the Father’s love that saved you by sending Jesus. But the vehicle they are using to drive all this home into your heart and life is the Gospel of Grace.

New Life: The Good News of the Gospel of Grace: Leaping for Joy

Folder 5. Discovering the Wonders of Our God (11 PDFs)

Think of this section as a guide book, not an encyclopedia. There is so much that could be said about our God. These pages are intended to give you a few practical pointers for basic understanding and to whet your appetite for taking the lifelong journey into knowing Him better. “In the beginning” we all see His works as Creator, but He wants to be known far more intimately than that. Through Jesus the Great High God has come to earth. Let Jesus take you ever deeper into the endless revealing of God to you.     

Earth in God's Hands : Essentials for Knowing Our God

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